The Timeless Practice of Ancient Yoga: History & Wisdom

Ancient Yoga

As we all know, India founded yoga thousands of years ago. Now spread all over the world like a fire. To know the history of ancient yoga is important if you are a yoga practitioner or a beginner. Through knowing the history one can understand the true purpose of yoga.

Why is it important to know about Ancient Indian Yoga:

Any practice without basic knowledge is like developing a building without a solid foundation. With a proper foundation, you can grow higher and stronger. People all over the world are practicing yoga without knowing the authentic purpose of birth of yoga. And that is the reason it has become just physical practice. Which is a half-truth cannot be beneficial fully.

Glimpse of Ancient History of Yoga:

There are many schools of thought about who is the founder of yoga. Prominent proof shows that Rishi Patanjali founded ancient Yoga over 5000 years ago. Rishi means sage. Patanjali was a spiritual guru who wrote and compiled Yoga Sutra in the Sanskrit language. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” meaning union. The aim of yoga is to harmonize the mind, body, and soul.

Ancient History of Yoga

Oldest proof of mentioning yoga is Rigveda around 1500 BCE, which is one of the ancient and holy books of India.

Hindu Holy scripture – Bhagwad Gita also mention about yoga. It suggests to practice yoga to achieve mental clarity, integrity and ultimate freedom.

The other known ancient holy scripture is Upanishads (between 800-400 BCE). Upanishad says yoga and meditation is essential for self-realization.

Father of ancient yoga

Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras between 500 – 200 CE. Which has become the most influential texts in the history of yoga. This sacred text contains 195 (or 196) sutras.

Osho says explain the importance of Patanjali’s contribution in Yoga –

“Yoga had been there for many centuries before Patanjali. He is not the discoverer, but he almost became the discoverer and founder just because of this rare combination of his personality. Many people had worked before him and almost everything was known, but yoga was waiting for a Patanjali. And suddenly, when Patanjali spoke about it, everything fell in line, and he became the founder. He was not the founder, but his personality is such a combination of opposites, he comprehends in himself such incomprehensible elements, he became the founder — almost the founder.

Now yoga will always be known with Patanjali. Since Patanjali, many have again worked and many have reached new corners of the world of yoga, but Patanjali towers like an Everest. It seems almost impossible anybody ever will be able to tower higher than Patanjali — almost impossible. This rare combination is impossible.

To be a logician and to be a poet and to be a mystic, and not of ordinary talents… It is possible: you can be a logician, a great logician, and a very ordinary poet. You can be a great poet and a very ordinary logician, third-rate — that is possible, that’s not very difficult. Patanjali is a genius logician, a genius poet, and a genius mystic…”

(Derived from the book – “Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol. 3, Chapter # 5”)

Patanjali mention Ashtanga Yoga, the eight practices –

  1. Yama (ethical standards)
  2. Niyama (self-discipline)
  3. Asana (physical postures)
  4. Pranayama (breath control)
  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Dhyana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (state of bliss)

These are also foundations of ancient Indian yoga to achieve the union of soul, body, and mind. Those who authentically want to practice yoga need to go deep into these principles.

Such detailed and complete work of Patanjali gives us a clear answer of who is the father of ancient yoga. He may not be the founder, but he is surely the inventor of systematic yoga practices.

Ancient Wisdom of Yoga: The Authentic Purpose

When the body is healthy, it becomes easy to meditate regularly. That is believed to be an authentic purpose of Ancient Indian Yoga.

This approach is truly relevant even in the modern world which is fast and complex. We all know that to keep our body healthy we need regular movements and stretching. Yoga becomes the perfect guide for a healthy body. Through our body we can reach a higher consciousness.

As mentioned earlier in this article, ancient wisdom of yoga harmonizes all three aspects of our being – body, mind, and spirit. And that is what makes “Yoga” the union, the wholeness.

Physical Health Ancient Yoga Asanas

Patanjali’s ancient Indian yoga sutra is complete.

Osho says “Patanjali exhausted all the possibilities of postures; the science is complete. Five thousand years have passed, and in five thousand years thousands of people have tried but there is no way to find a new posture.” (From the book – Beyond Enlightenment, Chapter # 31)

So, Patanjali has found various postures which are helpful in physical health and well-being. Various asanas are helpful in reducing chronic pain and even heal the body naturally. It also improves our posture and fixes the alignment of the body.

Mental Health through Ancient Yoga Breathing Techniques

Ancient wisdom of yoga says that body and mind are not separate. And that is why you will find many breathing techniques in Patanjali’s yoga. These are called Pranayama techniques, such as Anuloma Vilom (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalbhati (skull-shining breath), among others.

These breathing techniques regulate the calmness of the mind. Only a calm mind can have clarity. Because when we are in stress and anxiety or flooded with other emotions, we cannot see things as they are. This is what makes our life more complicated.

As scientists would say, breathing more oxygen will bring health to our body. Which is easy to achieve through these breathing techniques as well.

Through Yoga a healthy mind brings peace and joy to our life.

Spiritual Awakening and Self-Realization

India has aimed for enlightenment and self-realization for thousands of years. All the ancient Indian sages talk about it and even all the holy books of Hindus teach it. And so ancient yoga.

Practicing meditation (dhyana) takes us beyond the limitations of our mind and ego. That is what knowing the higher self is. Through ancient yoga asanas sitting in right posture meditation become easy. Correct posture is also helpful to sit for hours, and which leads us to the most relaxed states of our being.

This path of self-realization and spiritual growth is the true purpose of the ancient wisdom of yoga.


Knowing ancient yoga and the wisdom gives us a better understanding of why one should practice yoga in daily life. Because through the ancient wisdom of yoga we can help ourselves for a better life. Through the knowing purpose of ancient asanas and breathing techniques we can fix the tuning between body, mind, and soul.

Ancient Indian Yoga makes it clear that it is not just the physical exercises but more than that. By exploring its ancient history, modern humans can valuably balance, clarity, and the inner peace.

Ancient Indian yoga is indeed a timeless practice performed by millions over thousands of years. Now accepted globally, the numbers have increased drastically.